Is Testosterone Therapy a Good Idea?
Most men experience some degree of decline related to their sex drive and/or sexual performance as they age. Studies indicate that this is because testosterone, a primary sex hormone in men, peaks around the age of 30. In addition to supporting libido and erectile function, testosterone is also involved in muscle mass, bone density, and even mood regulation. It’s natural for a man to want to do something about the symptoms of low testosterone when they occur. But is testosterone therapy the answer?
What does testosterone do?
Testosterone is one of the two primary sex hormones. Estrogen is the other. Men produce both, as do women. It is the amount that is produced that varies between the sexes. The role of testosterone early in life is to develop male sex organs. The hormone is also the reason why men have denser muscle tissue, a broader body frame, and more hair than women. When available testosterone declines, a man may experience softer muscle tissue, a milder arousal response, even erectile dysfunction. The logical solution is to engage in habits that foster natural testosterone production. However, that is not always enough. This is when a man might consider testosterone supplementation.
Some of the ways that testosterone production can be supported naturally include:
- Consuming enough potassium, which is found in spinach, beets, and bananas. Potassium facilitates testosterone synthesis.
- Getting enough zinc. Found in shellfish and whole grains or as a supplement, zinc is involved in regulating serum testosterone levels.
- Exercising regularly. Fat is a critical inhibitor of testosterone. Weight loss alone can slightly improve testosterone production. Building muscle further enhances the regulation of this hormone.
Where Testosterone Therapy Comes In
Testosterone supplementation is a strategy that should be overseen by an experienced physician. Dr. Shridharani is a board-certified urologist with extensive experience in male reproductive endocrinology and hormone replacement. His understanding of male health concerns enables him to develop a safe, effective treatment plan for each man experiencing the symptoms of low testosterone and also to identify when testosterone replacement therapy is not ideal.
Is a combination of testosterone replacement therapy and lifestyle modifications right for you? Schedule a consultation in our Chattanooga office to find out. Call (423) 778-4MEN (4636).